This is one of the most difficult
blogs I have written and I actually put it aside for over a week because I did
not want too many emotions to overshadow the true message. A couple of days
later, Walt spoke to me through this quote, “I have no use for people who throw
their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because
you are famous.”
I am very passionate about
Disneyland and feel that everyone should be able to experience the magic
whether they are famous or not. This
is my happy place and I feel that everyone who visits the Park should be able
to experience the magic in their own way.
Recently, I had a conversation with
someone on a social media platform about a picture of a celebrity and his young
child that was taken earlier in the day by the poster. People were encouraging him to sell the
picture to the highest bidder but I felt that it was wrong in many ways and had
to share my two cents. In the end, the poster did the honorable thing and
retracted the photo and stated that there would be no photos for sale! Good for
We all get excited when we see our
favorite celebrity in public and want to take pictures and say hi! But where do
we draw the line when it comes to their privacy? How about when that celeb has
their child with them? Just because they’re celebrities are there different
rules to their “personal space”? I
say no! Let the celebrity enjoy family time like you would want in the Happiest
Place on Earth….. Don’t take pictures without asking and treat them as you
would want to be treated if you were in their shoes.
This is how I personally see it: when you are visiting the Park remember
why Walt built it in the first place, and walk in his shoes. Always remember
this quote, ““I have no use for people who throw their weight around as
celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous.”
Otherwise, your favorite attraction
may be closed so the celebrity family can have their magic time in privacy
which will be less magical for you and I.
So very true. Exactly how I see it. :) Well done Joyce! Keep it up! :)